Study Abroad

“I’ve never killed anyone.”
She thought back to the “Path to Personhood” poster she had seen to reply “Wrong, you kill people all the time. They’re just not really people yet. Your body is constantly killing thousands of people daily and you eat plants, don’t you?”
Keegan, grateful for any sort of digression stopped a moment before responding, “I hardly think the inhabitants of my gut can be considered human.”
“Well, none of them are ever going to be considered human if you don’t hurry it up.”
“Why don’t you do it? You clearly want to eat this guy more than I do.”
“I already brought him here and set this all up, didn’t I? And anyways I’ve already shown that you’ve killed someone before. I have never eaten which is why you need to stop chattering.”
“You’re the one chattering. I thought normal tourists in Thailand came to do sex crimes, not this. This poor boy has enough problems here I’m sure.”
The two girls had been standing over the never unconscious body. The young boy, or lady depending on what crime you’re looking to do—and for the girls purpose he was definitely a boy—was lying inside of a perfectly curated square. Inside the boundaries his body was restrained by rocks that were probably already crushing any of the significant portions of muscle that he even started with. The girls were mostly interested in getting any sort of sample, so the famed taste of the muscle was a necessary afterthought.
Defiantly ignoring our narration, Eric was oblivious to the well-lit writhing below her and was entirely locked onto Keegan’s unspoken accusation. How dare she!? said her face, but a respectable empiricist as herself can separate her feelings from words. She couldn’t immediately rebuke her for this reason and also because then she’d be giving into the idea of racism at all.
“We’re not tourists Keegan, we’re here to STUDY! And to study anthropology I’m pretty sure all the old greats were also phrenologists. Now of course I’ve not advocated for such a racially inclined science as I would hope you wouldn’t either. BUT! This is our first opportunity to collect any real data on meat and if it just happens to be this Thai boy then it just happens to be this Thai boy. When we get back to school we can find a white person. Ok?! Will that make you happy?”
It did, indeed, make Keegan happy. She was done arguing because they’d come to a consensus, she bent down and slit the boys throat.
“Strangling would have taken too long and I didn’t want to touch him,” she said in response to Eric’s clear disgust at the blood that contaminated her artificially sterile 6x6 pen that she had once been oh so proud of.
“It’s ok, I was over it once he stopped squirming, we can always make new squares.”
